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Navigating the To-Dos Page

Overview of how to navigate the to-do page in SourceWhale.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Alongside the vertical banner on the left side of your SourceWhale dashboard is a check box icon that will lead you to the To-Dos page. On this page, you are able to view your augmented outreach types including phone calls, InMails, connection requests, general tasks, and bounces. These tasks are made more efficient by SourceWhale, however, they are manual tasks. Luckily, this page allows you to view all of your manual tasks in one place. You can filter tasks by campaign, project, and/or campaign type, display your future to-do tasks, display finished tasks, stop outreach from a campaign, and more.

Continue reading to learn how to navigate the To-Dos page in SourceWhale.


Types of To-Do List Tasks

Phone Calls πŸ“ž

Selecting the Phone Calls task will show you a list of contacts who are currently at the Phone Call step of your campaign. Click 'Go' and a window will pop up with the contact's information, as well as other steps that are scheduled in the campaign. Manually make the call, and choose an action based on the outcome of the phone call. Once one of the actions is selected, SourceWhale will automatically take you to your next phone call task. Add your notes below and this will be pushed to your CRM/ATS once the call has been logged.

Note: If you would like to log additional notes about the outcome of the call before moving on to the next phone call task, select Log Activity

How to mark your phone calls/general tasks:

Connected: The contact has been reached.

  • Not Interested: The contact has been reached, but the contact is not interested.

  • Interested: Contact has been reached and they are interested.

  • Call back later: Choose a date and time to call contact back

    • Marking a phone call task as a callback will set a new status which can be seen on the To-do's page

No answer: The task has been completed, but there was no answer and contact will move on to the next step

Linkedin To-do's

All Linkedin related to-do's (Connection Requests and Inmails) are manual steps and will need to be marked as complete in SourceWhale in order for contacts to move forward in their campaigns.
You can action them in the to-do's section by selecting "Go" as shown below for the contact you wish to send a Linkedin message to. Please note that in order to action Linkedin To-do's, the contact must have the Linkedin URL included in the Social Links section of the contact information section. If the contact is not present, the below warning will be shown.

You can correct this by selecting the contacts name, then the edit icon (shown in the screenshot below) and add the Linkedin URL into the Social Links section.

Send InMails βœ‰οΈ

The Send InMails section of the To-Do list page enables you to go through a full LinkedIn outreach flow; slightly augmented. Click 'Go' next to the contact name and you will be redirected to the contact's LinkedIn profile.

Once on LinkedIn, a box will pop up that allows you to copy the subject and body of your InMail message, mark the task as done, replied, or interested, and stop candidate outreach. After you have completed the task, you will be redirected to the next contact on your InMail to-do list to continue the LinkedIn flow.

Note: If this task pops up as part of your LinkedIn flow and the contact has already responded, you can use this to 'Mark as Replied' or 'Mark as Interested'.

Connection Requests πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Connection Requests have almost an identical functionality as the Send InMails tasks. Simply click 'Go' next to a contact's name and you will be redirected to LinkedIn where you will be able to copy and paste the messaging you have created for this campaign step. Once you have sent the connection request, mark the task as done and you will be redirected to the next connection request on your to-do list.

Note: If this task pops up as part of your LinkedIn flow and the contact has already responded, you can use this to 'Mark as Replied' or 'Mark as Interested'.

General Tasks πŸ“‹

General Tasks are task items that do not fit into another campaign step category. Think of it as your reminder list. Examples of use cases would be updating a status change in your CRM and/or interacting with the contacts on an alternative platform (think engaging with LinkedIn posts or social media platforms). The functionality is similar to the phone call tasks. Click 'Go' and a window will pop up with the contact's information will appear. Complete the task and select the appropriate action based on the outcome of the task.

Bounces βœ‹

This section shows any outbound emails that have bounced during any of your campaign steps. Click 'Go' next to the contact and a pop-up will appear.

On the pop-up screen, you can see the 'Email Statistics' for the contact so that you can see if the contact has been opening/clicking their outreach. You have the option to add a new email address (option to use a suggested email provided) or convert the message to an InMail. Once a new email is entered, select 'Use new email' and the contact will be re-added to the campaign.

Popup Window Overview

Email statistics

We display email statistics in the popup window so that a user can see if a candidate has been opening/clicking their outreach

Edit contact information

If a contact has the wrong phone number or LinkedIn profile URL, or if any other contact information needs editing, this can be edited and updated from a task window by clicking the 'edit' icon.

Filters, Display Future To-Dos/Display Done, Displayable Columns

To-dos will be scheduled at 00:01am of the day on which they’re due, in the timezone of the recipient. e.g. if you’re based in London, an inmail going to a candidate in New York will appear at 05:01am UK time.


On the To-Dos page in SourceWhale, you are able to filter each task by campaign, project, and/or campaign type (whether the campaign is for candidate sourcing or business development). Simply click on the 'Campaigns', 'Projects', and/or 'All campaign types' and a drop-down menu will appear for each option. You can then select which campaign, project, and/or campaign type you would like to filter the task by.

*Note: You can only filter by campaigns and projects for 'Bounces', not all campaign types for this specific task.

Display Future To-Dos/Display Done

Other view options on the To-Dos page are toggling the 'Display future To-Dos' and 'Display done' buttons. Toggling 'Display future To-Dos' will show you what specified task items are coming up within your campaign steps. They will show under the Time column as 'after previous step' so you know that the task is a future activity. This function is useful if you would like to jump ahead and complete a task before the originally scheduled date.

Toggling 'Display done' will show a specified task that has been completed in the past. These will look translucent on the page to show that they have been completed. You have the option of clicking 'Mark as not Done' if you have accidentally marked the task as complete.

Displayable Columns

You can choose which columns contain certain contacts' information to display by going to the 'eye' icon and clicking on the category. The ones that are then highlighted in blue are the ones displayed on the page.

Tooltip Column

You can use the Steps aka Tooltip column to keep track of which task you currently need to action. The current task is highlighted, while the other steps in your campaign are greyed out.

Mark as Done, Remove Tasks, Snooze & Stop Outreach

Mark as Done

Select one or more items within a specified task type. Click on 'Mark as Done' to mark multiple tasks as done.

Remove Tasks

Select one or more items within a specified task type. Click on 'Actions' and select 'Remove Tasks' to delete multiple items from your task list.

You can also remove a task directly from the To-Do:


You can snooze a to-do task for your campaign to a later date. Click on 'Actions' and select "Snooze".

Pick the date and time you would like for the task to reappear.

You can also snooze a task directly from the To-Do:

Note: Snooze will push the exact task back if you do not currently want to complete it, Call back is when a contact has asked you to reach them at a later date.

Convert InMail to Email

If a contact has turned off their InMail messages on LinkedIn, you can convert a single InMail step into an email. Select one or more tasks to convert to email and click the 'Convert to Email' button. Note: the contact will need an email address tied to their contact details in order to convert InMail to email.

Convert Email to InMail

If a contact has a bounced email and there are no other email suggestions, you can convert all email steps into an InMail step. Select one or more tasks to convert to InMail and click the 'Convert to InMail' button. Note: the contact will need a Linkedin URL tied to their contact details in order to convert email to InMail.

Stop Outreach

Select one or more items within a specified task type. Click on 'Actions' and select 'Stop Outreach' to remove multiple contacts from the campaign they are in. Note: this will stop a contact from receiving outreach from the entire campaign, not just one step. Please use 'Remove Tasks' if you would like to remove a single step from a campaign.

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