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How to Add Contacts
How to Add Contacts

This guide details the three different ways you can add contacts to your campaigns, via the extension, spreadsheet upload and manual add.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Now that you've built out your campaign, it's time to add your contacts and begin sending your outreach!

Note: It is important to remember that contacts will receive the campaign in the state the campaign was when the contacts were added. It is highly recommended to make all edits to your campaign prior to adding contacts.

  • If you'd like to source your contacts prior to the campaign, please reference this guide on how to use projects: here.

  • If you need to make any changes to live campaigns (campaigns that are active with active contacts in them), please reference this guide to make changes in live campaigns properly: here.


Adding contacts from the extension

Single Profile

The following steps detail how to source an individual contact from the extension. In this example, I am using Linkedin but the same steps will apply for CRM's and Job Boards as well as SourceWhale's contact page.

Note: If you have a question on whether the extension will work over a specific website, please reach out to your CSM or

Step 1

Select the SourceWhale extension from the toolbar while on the contact's profile page.

Step 2

Now select the dropdown labeled "Select Campaign". You can add them to a specific campaign or if you'd like to just add them to your contacts, "No Campaign (add to contacts)"

Note: It is important to remember that contacts can only be active in one campaign at a time, as indicated by the green circle on their profile picture.

If there is a blue circle present on their profile picture, this indicates that a contact is in SourceWhale but is not currently active on a campaign and can be added to a new campaign. You can hover over the circle to find out what campaign or projects the contact is in.

Step 3

Once you've selected the campaign you'd like the contact to be a part of, you'll be able to see a preview of the entire campaign for this specific contact. If you'd like to add in personalization, this would be the point to do so. Any changes made at this point would be applied only for the individual contact not the other recipients of the campaign.

Step 4

If you have not turned off Auto-search on the extension, contact information will be added to the extension automatically. If you have turned off Auto-search, then please press the Email/Phone/Data Provider icon to begin sourcing contact information. To select which email and phone will be used on the campaign please make sure to select the contact information you want to use as indicated by the blue button next to the contact info.

  • Here is a guide explaining more about the email and phone search credits: Here

Step 5

To set your integration settings such as syncing and displayed fields, please press the grey arrow icon next to the campaign selection dropdown.

Step 6

Once the campaign and settings are as you want them, press "Add to Campaign" - this will immediately start scheduling outreach to the contact.


The following steps detail how to source multiple contacts from the extension. In this example, I am usingSourceWhale but the same steps will apply for CRM's and Job Boards as well as LinkedIn.

Note: If you have a question on whether the extension will work over a specific website, please reach out to your CSM or

Step 1

Select the SourceWhale extension from the toolbar while on the page with the contacts you'd like to source. A list will appear on the extension. Select the contacts you want add or press Select All or Select New to select the contacts. Then press "Next" located at the bottom of the extension.

Step 2

Now select the dropdown labeled "Select Campaign". You can add them to a specific campaign or if you'd like to just add them to your contacts, "No Campaign (add to contacts)".

Note: It is important to remember that contacts can only be active in one campaign at a time, as indicated by the green circle on their profile picture.

If there is a blue circle present on their profile picture, this indicates that a contact is in SourceWhale but is not currently active on a campaign and can be added to a new campaign.

Step 3

Once you've selected the campaign you'd like the contact to be a part of, you'll be able to see a preview of the entire campaign for this specific contact. If you'd like to add in personalization, this would be the point to do so. Any changes made at this point would be applied for the

individual contact not the other recipients of the campaign.

To scroll through your list of contacts, you can press the arrows shown in the screenshot above.

Step 4

To add in integration settings such as syncing and displayed fields, please press the grey arrow icon next to the campaign selection dropdown.

Step 5

Once the campaign and settings are as you want them for all the contacts, press the "Add all to campaign" to start sending outreach to the contact. You will not be able to add an individual contact to the campaign unless you switch back to single profle extension view.

Add contacts via Spreadsheet/CSV upload

You are able to do a Spreadsheet or CSV upload of your contacts either by Selecting the Upload page from your SourceWhale sidebar or directly from the campaign page by selecting the icon shown in the example below.

Direct upload from Campaign page

Upload page

For further information on how to do Spreadsheet/CSV uploads, please reference this guide: Here

Adding contacts via manual upload

You are able to add contacts manually directly from the campaign page or the contacts page by selecting the icon shown in the example below. Please note if adding contacts manually from the contacts page, this will not add the contacts to a campaign but will simply add them to your contact records.

Integrations Warnings

If when adding contacts to a campaign, there a few warnings to keep an eye out for.

  • Unmapped variable in step _ : {{Variable}} - To action this, please go to the step specified and look for the specific variable mentioned to fill this in and get rid of the warning as we will not send any outreach without the variables used being fulfilled.

  • Multiple company mismatch - This warning is a potential duplicate warning. Typically this indicates that we are noticing that the company name connected to the contact is similar but not identical to the company name in your CRM so you will need to go into the integrations tab in the extension to either correct the company name to match what is in your CRM to prevent a duplicate from being made or create a new company and a new contact record.

  • New company warning - This indicates that we are unable to locate a company in your CRM that matches what is listed on the contacts profile. You will need to go into the integrations tab in the extension to either correct the company name to match what is in your CRM to prevent a duplicate from being made or create a new company and a new contact record.

If you'd like more information on Extension warnings, please reference this guide: Here

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