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Email Throttling and Deliverability

Learn about email throttling and improving your deliverability

Updated over a month ago

Why is email throttling important?

The simple answer is; if you don't "warm-up" a new domain and email address sufficiently, there is a greater chance that you will go into spam. This is where email throttling can help mitigate this risk. Please see our article on "Warming up a new domain and email" for further guidance.

Even once you have warmed up your email, it is still important to control the number of automated emails you send daily by adjusting your sending limits.

Adjusting individual sending limits

If you are using a brand new domain, we recommend a Daily Sending Limit of around 30 emails a day, with a Minimum time between emails of 300 seconds. Every week, you can raise the Daily Sending Limit by 10, while keeping an eye on your open rates to ensure they do not drop significantly. For those who have a more established email domain, you can start on our default Daily Sending Limit of 150 emails a day and a Minimum time between emails of 180 seconds.

Step 1

To review and change your throttling please navigate to your profile page found below.

Step 2

These can be adjusted by the sliding bars highlighted below.

Step 3

Once you have set your "Daily Sending Limit" and "Minimum time between emails", make sure you "Save" in the top right!

Add Domain Sending Limits

As an admin, you can also turn on and add "Domain sending limits" to ensure that a company is not being flooded with too many emails. Please note this will affect the whole team.

Step 1

To turn this on and review the setting, please navigate to the 'Admin' page found below.

Step 2

Select 'Settings' and scroll down. Turn the toggle on and adjust the settings.

Domain Exclusion List: Any domains added here will not be restricted by the domain sending limit set. Please separate the domains by commas, spaces, or line breaks. Personal email domains such as are automatically excluded.

You will see the below warning in your outbox if your team has reached the domain sending limit.

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