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Email Warm-up

Improve your sending reputation and avoid spam filters by gradually scaling your email sending volume.

Updated over 5 months ago

Email warm-up helps you build a positive sending reputation with email providers by automatically increasing your sending limit gradually over time.

We recommend using Email Warm-up if you are a new user who has never used outreach tools before, or an existing user who is using a new domain to send emails from.

Why is Email Warm-up useful?

  • By gradually increasing the number of emails you send, you can build a positive sending reputation with email providers, ultimately impacting their deliverability and reducing the chance of an email falling into spam.

  • This feature is particularly valuable for:

    • New users who have never used outreach tools before, or who want to ramp up their sending volume.

    • Existing users who are launching new domains to send their emails from who should aim to gradually increase their sending volume.

How do I set up Email Warm-up?

  1. Navigate to Profile Settings

    • Go to Profile Settings > Outreach Settings.

    • Click on the ‘Enable email warm-up’ toggle.

  2. Adjust the sliders

    • Increase per day: sets how many more emails can be sent each day over your existing ‘Daily sending limit’ during the warm-up period.

    • Days over which to warm up: sets the number of days over which the warm-up functionality will increase the daily sending limit.

    • Make sure both sliders are set to values greater than zero to activate. If either is set to zero, the feature will automatically turn off after refreshing the page.

How does the Warm-up feature work?

Example: If a user sets the 'Daily sending limit' to 25 emails, selects an 'Increase per day' of 10 emails, and sets the 'Days over which to warm up' to 10 days:

  • Starting with 25 emails, the user’s daily sending limit will increase by 10 emails each day.

  • After 10 days, the total sending limit will reach 125 emails. This consists of the initial 25 email sending limit + 10 days of 10 emails per day increase.

  • The system will automatically update the sending limit daily so over time they will see this sending limit increase, and the ‘Days over which to warm up’ go down as each day passes.

  • Text will appear underneath the sliders explaining what the sending limit will reach at the end of the warm-up period.

Best practice

  • This depends on whether you're using a well-established, reputable domain or a new domain with low email activity.

  • If you're using a new domain, if you are new to email outreach, or if you have existing deliverability concerns, it's safer to start with a lower daily send limit and gradually increase it over several weeks.

    • Daily sending limit: 25 emails

    • Increase per day: 5 emails

    • Days over which to warm up: 25

    • Your Daily sending limit will reach 150 in 25 days

How does It differ from other warm-up tools?

  1. Many warm-up tools also offer the ability send random emails to other inboxes which automatically respond, with the aim of increasing your sender reputation. However this a controversial feature which can negatively impact your sender reputation if this ‘warm up pool’ is detected by email providers such as Google or Microsoft, having the opposite impact to what you want to achieve.

  2. Our tool gradually sends emails to their real, targeted contacts. This results in genuine engagement that can improve sender reputation with email providers.

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