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Extension conflicts

Troubleshooting conflicts with SourceWhale's email add-ins

Updated over 7 months ago

Other extensions installed in Chrome can sometimes conflict with the SourceWhale extension, especially if those extensions integrate with Gmail. Conflicts may cause speed issues or the interface of the extension may appear different, such as missing buttons. If you are experiencing any of these issues, it may be that you have a conflicting extension.


You'll first need to be aware of the current extensions you have downloaded, to find them go to chrome://extensions/

To find which is the conflicting extension, you'll need to start by disabling all of your extensions as outlined above. Next, turn an extension on one at a time and check your Gmail until you find the conflict (make sure you close and reopen Gmail each time or hard refresh the tab: Control/Command + R).

There are three ways to resolve an extension conflict:

  1. Permanently disable or uninstall the extension that conflicts with SourceWhale.

    • To uninstall an extension, you'll need to click the 'remove' option.

  2. Temporarily disable the conflicting extension when using SourceWhale, and temporarily disable SourceWhale when using the conflicting extension.

    • For the SourceWhale extension for Gmail, you can disable by right clicking on the SourceWhale extension in the Chrome extension bar and clicking 'Gmail Add-in'. If it is ticked, it is enabled, unticked the extension is disabled.

    • To disable the other extension, you'll need to change the toggle switch to the off position.

  3. Keep both conflicting extensions by using separate Chrome profiles.

    • Create a new Chrome Profile (how to guide here) without the SourceWhale extension installed. You then have the conflicting extensions on different Chrome profiles and can choose to switch between the two options.

If you do experience a conflicting extension, please let us know, we'd also like to hear if there are any features of your existing extension you can't live without. We are always looking to iterate and improve upon our current functionality.

Known Conflicts

There are a few known extensions that modify Gmail known to cause conflicts as SourceWhale also modifies Gmail. You can still continue using the extensions simultaneously but they may cause conflicts in certain instances:

  • Cirrus

  • MailTrack

  • MixMax

  • Thrive

Please note this is not an exhaustive list and conflicts may happen with other extensions which are not listed.

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