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Understanding the Reports page
Understanding the Reports page

This article describes how to best utilise the analytics and stats on the Reports page.

Updated over a month ago

SourceWhale provides a detailed Reports page to show you how you and your team are performing on the platform. There are different sections, as well as different report types to keep an eye on when looking at your team's numbers.


At the top of the page on the left, you have the timeframe for the data, you can choose a set timeframe or choose your own timeframe by clicking the dates. You can also choose to group the data in the graph by days, weeks, or months.

On the right, you can choose to filter the data, you can do this by selecting specific or multiple sourcers, senders, campaigns, tags, projects, or countries.

The graph shows you how many contacts were Sourced, Messaged, Opened, Replied, Interested, Not Interested, and Meeting booked for the chosen timeframe and filters. You can hover over each column to see the exact figure.

Note: Read more about how we define these stages here.


The timeframe and the filters at the top of the page will also apply to the table.

  • Choose to break the data down by Campaign Type, Country, Gender, Ethnicity, Timezone, Sourcer, or Outreach Type.

You can also download the data into a CSV. file if you wish.

Saving and Sharing Reports

Saving a report filter

  1. Once you have filtered the reports page, you can save the filter so you can easily view the report again.

  2. Once you have pressed save, you can create a Report Name. Press the tick icon when you have chosen a name.

  3. View the saved reports by clicking on the below icon.

Sharing a Report

  1. To share a report with stakeholders or other teammates who are not using SourceWhale, select the Saved Report you would like to share and click the Share icon.

  2. Provide the report with a name, specify the expiration date, and indicate which report pages to share.

  3. Click Create Link and the report link will be copied to your clipboard.

Contact Activity vs. Team Activity

Contact Activity

The Contact Activity view shows the number of contacts in each stage during the selected time period. This data can be used to identify the most successful campaigns based on reply, interest, and meeting rates, and be used to replicate successful strategies in future campaigns/across the wider team.

Team Activity

The Team Activity view shows where the team is spending their time and the results of their campaign activities. This data provides valuable insights to assess your team's productivity.

Note: The statistics displayed in the respective tabs are different. Specifically, in the 'Team Activity' tab, the number of first outreach and follow-up outreach is used instead of the messaged and opened stages.

Deleted Users

When applying filters to the Activity Reports, any data included from deleted users will appear grayed out in both the dropdown filters and the table breaking down the report.

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